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Grandpa Ham's Partners


ICONIXLogoICONIX Software Engineering provides training in agile software process and in UML using the Enterprise Architect CASE Tool Suite. The ICONIX process is an agile, yet well defined, software development process that has one special feature. It actually works. (If you want me to teach, ask for Gary from Virginia.)

MyStateUSALogoMyStateUSA is an Interoperable First Responder Communication, Public Warning,Information Sharing and Coordination System that provides a secure venue for public safety agencies to communicate and share data, to collect data, and to disseminate and coordinate data from disparate systems and sensors via a secure communication channel. They have committed to OASIS Emergency Management Standards by actually putting them to operational use.

Evolution Technologies Evolution Technologies provides software development capability, experience in OASIS Emergency Management data standards, and expertise both the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Nationation Information Exhange Model (NIEM). As a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business they can legally accept the small sole source procurements needed to bring me on board for Federal or State Agency assignments.

Evolution Technologies Process Enhancement Partners provices formal CMMI Training, assessment, and Software Engineering Institute recognized support. If you want to to achieve legitimate and successful CMMI-based process maturity, these folks know what they are doing.