Whew! Some Decisions are Hard to Make

My last post was some time ago. At that time the Virginia DMV had asked me to stay for another 1500 work hours. But, there was a bit of a glitch. The Virginia budget crunch meant that the extension package approval had to go to the Secretary of Transportation for approval. This took two tries and a lot of effort by my DMV sponsors, but they got it through. In fact the package actually was sent to the Governor’s budget office for final approval, but it got done!!!!

In the meantime, I let a couple of friends know that I could possibly be available. I got two very good offers, one in Emergency Management for a long term contract. The other shorter, but including at least two trips to Australia. In the end, I chose to stay with my DMV colleagues. They have become family to this grandpa in a very real way. There are even a few family squabbles to deal with. But these are good people, and this opportunity is so unique that I cannot walk away until my job is done. It is also true that I owe them a lot for all of their efforts in support of my extension. So, I think that I made the right decision.

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