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The Caves

The Caves

The sky is light.
The day is Bright.
And all the evil
Run in fright.

Into their secret caves they creep
Where light cannot penetrate the deep.

Secret Cave

Night they spend looking.
Their little minds cooking
And planning the way
To power in a new day.
But mighty light it comes at last
And their frail plans won't endure the blast

So, into their secret caves they creep
Where light cannot penetrate the deep

Night comes again
And out they steal.
This time looking for a meal
Of human minds
And human hearts
And all the other
Fragrant parts.
But mighty light, it comes again.
Burns, too, this sacrifice to sin.

So, into their secret caves they creep
Where light cannot penetrate the deep.

So goes the process
On and on.
Just pray that light
Will ne're be gone.
And that no one
Blasts the caves
To kill the evil
And its slaves
Only sending clouds
Of dust and smoke
To block the sun,
Its rays to choke.

For evil needs no cave to crawl
If light cannot penetrate at all.

Gary Ham, Blaine, WA 1964